Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Who we are!

Domaine Imperium is a whole new world in BDSM by most standards. We exist for the intellectual and deeper sides of a lifestyle most don't fully understand. Rather than catering to the stereotypes of dank, dark dungeons made for play and torture, we provide a safe, open place for other to talk and interact with people that share the ideals of the lifestyle. There are many ways to be a part of the lifestyle and we're open to all that believe in the depth of such a lifestyle. 

Created by Lady Laurie Gothly, the sim is bright and inviting, open to everyone with a deeper desire than just a game or short play time. The occasional event or discussion keeps things lively along with our weekly sub and Domme circles.

- written by Kellina Willows (Domaine Imperium - Counsel)


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