Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Photography Contest @ Domaine Imperium

Domaine Imperium likes to do things different.  We like to inspire creativity in the BDSM SL community, and we want to showcase those who like taking pictures.  In the spirit of this, we are starting a contest to replace the art currently showing at our sim, to be more personal art made by our and the general SL BDSM community.  The rules are simple:

1.) ANYONE can enter this contest.  There can be up to six (6) entries per person maximum. One time L$50 registration fee (which is refundable after the contest is complete).

2.) The photography needs to be done in SL. Meaning that the people in the shot and the environment MUST be in SL. The items can then be taken into something else (like Photoshop) and touched up if need be.
*see example below

3.) The finished product must be 1024x768 and in black and white.

4.) Absolutely NO text is allowed in the picture.

5.) The winner will be judged by the members of Domaine Imperium (you have to be a group member - guest level and above) to vote.

6.) All pictures must be of a BDSM or LGBT nature.

7.) By submitting your picture into the contest, you submit all rights to your picture to Domaine Imperium. Credit will be given to the photographer if the images are used afterward.

8.) Pictures MUST be FULL permissions, and be submitted by January 23rd! Registration form and fee must be paid at the time of submission. Send registration form and fee to Nashari Hynes.
Registration Form: Please contact Nashari Hynes or Laurie7983 Gothly for a registration form.
*make sure to fill in the artists name in the [name here] section of the title of the registration form.

The winners will be judged by the members of Domaine Imperium (you have to be a group member - guest level is fine) to vote. 

1st place - L$1000
2nd place - L$500
3rd place - L$250.

Voting for the event will be a 24 hour window from Friday, January 25 @ 3:30pm SLT to end Saturday, January 26 @ 3:30pm SLT.  Feel free to be as unique and creative as you want, as long as all the rules within are followed.  If you have any questions regard them to Laurie7983 Gothly or any Domaine Imperium staff.

-Domaine Imperium Staff
Teleport to Domaine Imperium


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